Thursday, February 09, 2006

Italians who don't know Italian.

A "Dear Phil Liz and Lucy" scrutinization.

Now that we've given you a little listener feedback in the form of "fan mail", we will now show you a more scrutinizing side of Dear Phil Liz and Lucy.

On the twelth page of "Brand New Planet", which is a publication published to children by the Toronto Star, there is an article about the Olympics. It's called "Italiano -- Get ready for Turin with some Italian words of the week".

Ten useful Italian expressions to know is part of this article, and the first expression says:

Io sono Canadese/Americana.

The paper believes this means "I am Canadian". As you can see, "Americana" is more than likely the Italian word for American. So why did they print "Americana"?

Keep in mind Italians may understand 'Americana better than Canadese'

So you're telling me, you don't understand your own language? That's basically what the paper's saying.

Are you sure, Toronto Star, that the Italians don't understand their own language? It seems that the Toronto Star thinks that we are Americans eh?

Well! I'm Phillip Hong!

The audio version can be found here.


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